Makalah | Teaching English for Young Learners


Observation is an activity which is important to know how to teach well. I am a student from English education State University of Medan did the observation at SDN 060815 Medan, to fulfill the project of TEYL (Teaching English for Young Learners) subject. By this observation, hopefully we can know how a teacher teaches a material (especially English subject). Then we who want to be a teacher in the future surely can choose which is good or no good to be taught to the students. 

Based on the explanation above, the problem can be formulated as how the process of English studying in primary school; How the teacher’s role, competencies of teachers, characteristic of teachers and teaching style; and do the forth skills aspect implemented well.

After doing the observation in primary school, we expected can understand how to teach well and to apply when we are as teachers in the future.


a) Chomsky
Cognitive Theory, According to Chomsky, in study language, the human being was created by having the cognitive skill, it is to process the input and create new sentences that are not limited amount. 

The theory is underlying the emergence of new approach in studied English, that is the emphasis of the grammar. 

The weakness of studied English using grammar approach, someone has trouble to use English language spoken in smoothly, because in English spoken needs the fast responses. Another weakness is many sentences are true grammatically but cannot use in spoken. 

b) Krashen (1983)

Acquisition Theory, according to Krashen (1983), the language study process divide in to 2, they are acquisition and learning.

Acquisition is the naturally language study process from the experiences in communicate by the language itself. Whereas learning is the language study process through understand of language elements which used to have communication.

1. School Identity
School name : SDN 060815 Medan
NSPN : 10209892
Address : Jl. Halat No. 48, Medan.
Province : North Sumatera 
Regency : Kota Medan

2. Teacher Identity
Name : Sri Mulyani, S.Pd.
Position : English teacher for Grade III-VI 
3. Students amount
Boy : 9 students
Girl : 14 students
Total : 23 students

1. Teachers’ Role

Teachers have crucial role in studying process. It means that many roles of teacher that should be implemented during studying process. Students of young learners are different with students of junior and senior high school. So, the roles of teachers are needed to lead students to be more creative and active.

The teachers’ roles are Be a teacher who teaching grammar through game, be a motivator to learn English, be controller of class, be a teacher who teaching grammar with fun learning games, be a teacher who using stories in the classroom, and be a teacher to teach students English one to one.

Table 1: the implementation of teachers’ roles at SDN 060815 Medan
The teachers’ Roles
Be a teacher who teaching grammar through game

Be a motivator to learn English

Be controller of class

Be a teacher who teaching grammar with fun learning games

Be a teacher who using stories in the classroom

Be a teacher to teach students English one to one

2. Teachers’ competencies
Competence is a competency is an underlying characteristic of an individual that is casually related to criterion-referenced effective and superior performance in a job or situation.

The teachers’ competencies for young learners are able to understand the curriculum, syllabus, method, material, evaluation; Able to create joyful learning activities during the lesson; Teacher is required to have good skills in English which enables him/her to provide the most suitable learning materials for the learners; A teacher must have knowledge how to apply several methods and techniques to help students learn.

Table 2. The implementation of teachers’ competencies at SDN 060815 Medan.
Teachers’ competencies
Able to create joyful learning activities during the lesson

Teacher is required to have good skills in English which enables him/her to provide the most suitable learning materials for the learners

Teacher must have knowledge how to apply several methods and techniques to help students learn

Able to understand the curriculum, syllabus, method, material, evaluation

3. Teachers’ characteristics
Teaching is hard work and some teachers never grow to be anything better than mediocre. The great teachers, however, work tirelessly to create a challenging, nurturing environment for their students. Great teaching seems to have less to do with our knowledge and skills than with our attitude toward our students, our subject, and our work. There are some teachers’ characteristics: respects students, creates a sense of community and belonging in the classroom, warm, accessible, enthusiastic, caring, sets high expectations for all students, love of learning, skilled leader, can shift-gears, maintains professionalism in all areas.

Table 3. The implementation of teachers’ characteristics at SDN 060815 Medan.

Teachers’ Characteristics
respects students

Creates a sense of community and belonging in the classroom,





Sets high expectations for all students

Love of learning

Skilled leader

Can shift-gears

Maintains professionalism in all areas

4.      Teaching style
 There are some teaching styles that can be found in a teacher for young learners: Make the lessons relaxed and fun, Students are divided in to some groups, Make a game to develop students’ knowledge about material, Make some questions to know student’s ability, make some motivation for  students, Study by using teaching media.
Table 4.The implementation of teaching styles at SDN 060815 Medan.
Teaching styles
Make the lessons relaxed and fun

Students are divided in to some groups

Make a game to develop students’ knowledge about material

Make some questions to know student’s ability

Motivating students for students

Study by using teaching media

1. Ibu tamatan darimana?

Jawab: saya tamatan dari UMN, saya pindahan dari UISU karena untuk menjadi guru harus tamatan dari pendidikan.

2. Apakah ibu pernah belajar EYL?
Jawab: ya, saya pernah mempelajari EYL di universitas. Tetapi kami hanya mempelajari sekilas tentang itu, tidak terlalu mendalami mata kuliah tersebut.

3. Sudah berapa lama ibu mengajar disini?

Jawab: saya sudah mengajar selama 10 tahun, saya tamat tahun 2006 dan langsung mengajar di SD ini.

4. Apakah ibu pernah mengikuti organisasi-organisasi tentang pendidikan atau keguruan?
Jawab: tidak pernah, karena kurang ada waktusih sebenarnya.

5. Bagaimana menurut ibu cara mengajar anak SD?

Jawab: ibu sudah 10 tahun mengajar masih saja tidak tahu cara mengajar anak SD. Sangat susah, karena dibutuhkan kesabaran yang luar biasa. Ketika saya tegas dibilang kejam tetapi ketika saya baik mereka tidak mendengarkan apa yang saya katakan. Dan karena saya juga masih guru muda disini, mereka sering melakukan sesuatu dengan sesuka hati mereka, karena mereka lebih menyegani guru yang lebih tua.

6. Kurikulum apa yang dipakai di sekolah ini bu?
Jawab: sekarang memakai KTSP 2006.

7. Apakah pernah kurikulum 2013 diterapkan di sekolah ini?
Jawab: pernah. Tetapi hanya untuk kelas 4-6, tetapi tidak berapa lama kurikulum tersebut diganti lagi menjadi KTSP 2006.

8. Bagaimana menurut ibu jika kurikulum diharuskan penggunaannya di setiap sekolah?
Jawab: menurut saya kurikulum 2013 itu bagus. Tetapi mengingat jika kurikulum 2013 berlaku maka mata pelajaran bahasa inggris di SD akan dihapuskan, jadi bagaimana nasib guru bahasa inggris yang ada di SD nanti?. Menjadi seorang guru memang sangat menantang, karena peraturan bisa berganti kapan saja. Berganti presiden, berganti jugalah peraturan pendidikan bahkan berganti menteri pendidikan, peraturan pendidikan pun bisa berganti. Kita dituntut aktif dalam mencari informasi terkini.

9. Dari keterampilan membaca, menulis, mendengar dan berbicara, yang mana yang paling susah diajari?
Jawab: yang paling susah diajari itu listening. Nanti kalo ibu katakan “how many students here?” meraka sering bilang “apa bu? Ulang bu!”. Mungkin karena mereka juga kurang mengerti apa yang saya katakana, jadi mereka meminta saya untuk mengulang lagi. 

“Note: interview goes by used Indonesia language”


Observation activity in class is a useful activity because we can get the accurate data by recourse directly. From explanation above, we can get some conclusion that to be a teacher for young learners is not easy. We need some roles, competencies, characteristics and style that must had. EYL subject tries to introduce how to be a teacher for young learners. 


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